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MEDIAWAVE Youth, Art & Integration Projects

The MEDIAWAVE Foundation (founded in 1991) has a definite aim to train young people beyond the framework of traditional school system since the beginning.


In the early years we held only summer camps with film and movie lectures, mostly with Hungarian participants. Later we involved Hungarian youth, living in the neighbouring countries, and after then we made the workshops fully international.


In parallel with these processes the professional profile also changed year to year. Beside of the domination of the film approach there were many genre that started, tail away or remained in the workshop programme (theatre, photo, music, architecture).


In the last two years we have started two, national and cross-border projects, based on the roma integration with artistic approach. We gain support for these actions from national and european sources.


Many filmmakers started their career and grew up in these camps and workshops (Mihály Buzás, József Szolnoki, Máté Widamon Tóth, Szilvia Ruszev, Virág Zomborácz), who succeded at the hungarian film scene, and also in Europe.


Except the very early period, the Foundation made documentations about these workshops, and uploaded them to our webarchive chronologically and thematically. By clicking the following links You can have a look on the products, films of different eras:






1./ MEDIAWAVE Summer International Art Camps (Since 1991)

(film, theatre, photo, music, architecture)


2./ PASSPORT CONTROL International Art Workshops (Since 2006)

(film, photo, music and architecture - not just in Hungary, abroad also - Novoszibirszk, Kars, Szabadka/Subotica)


3./ "TOGETHER TROUGH THICK AND THIN" Roma & Hungarian Art Workshops (2010)

(film, photo and music workshops with the support of the Norwegian Grant - these were parts of the PASSPORT CONTROL series - You can check it by clicking on PASSPORT CONTROL 17-20 in the previously recommended site)


4./ CAFÉS & CITIZENRY - The Roma Origins (2011-2012)

(music, literature, fine art and dance plus the visual documentation /film, photo/)


2024-03-12 22:12

Passport Controll'24 - Workshops and Application

Application is now open to this year's Passport Controll Summer Workshop and Gathering, at the Kund Castle, Somogyfajsz! You can choose from a range of visual, music, family and gastronomy workshops. Click here for details!